Our Annual Parish Meeting went off without a hitch after a few minutes for coffee and goodies in the choir room and narthex. Upon returning to the Nave for the meeting where Fr. Michael had set up a podium (music stand) for holding papers, we found it easy to hear without a microphone from him as well as any that had comments from their seats (pews). There is no denying the fact that the various reports that he sent attached to his invitation to worship saved a lot of both questions and time. Thank You Fr. Michael...great idea. We might remember this for 2024.
Of interest, for 2023, our new Sr. Warden is Deana Geuther and Jr. Warden is Susan Wallace. The new members to the vestry are Otis Maclay, Cranz Nichols, and Mary Rubio. Many thanks to our outgoing Sr. Warden, Linda Myers, and Jr. Warden, Rachel Bryson as well as ALL of the 2022 vestry members.
Some Words from Fr. Michael: " Anyone interested in being confirmed when Bishop Doyle makes his visitation to Epiphany in March (the 26th) please let me know so I can schedule a class (via zoom). There is one person so far."
Words from Deana Geuther, the new Sr. Warden: "The restoration committee will be meeting the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month via zoom. The FIRST meeting is the 6th."
Sunday, January 29th, 2023: Attendance: 36 In Church 8 On Zoom 44 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, February 5th are: Layreaders............Jim & Linda Dyke Altar Guild..........Sue Brunson Acolyte.................Grady Gonzales Ushers..................Maria & JJ Gonzales VPOD..................Otis Maclay Coffee Hosts........Ellie Burks & Margaret Thomas Altar Flowers Given By.............Lee Myers in memory of John Myers
Happy Birthday Bill Callaway, 02-07.
I want to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to Susan Wallace for putting together the Master Schedule for Epiphany. To have everything on the one list is wonderful. Thank you again, Susan.
A special THANK YOU to someone that went around re-adjusting the heat in the buildings and dripping faucets and opening cabinet doors in the last few days.
Pray that ALL Of YOU fared well during our winter storm (people, pets, PIPES, and plants). We here at Oatmeal were just fine, and of no surprise, the goats started kidding. Fortunately, we have some good mamas, and all were in the barn---funny how they avoid stepping on the little ones in a small area.
Thank you, Linda Dyke and Susan Wallace for handling the "techy" stuff Sunday. Heard there is still flu in the house of Otis, although he says they are getting better.
LACare is still in need of volunteers. If you can spare just 2 hours, please contact Lottie McCorkle at 512-756-4422. LACare is open Monday, 2-6, Wednesday, 10-2, and Friday, 10-2. Thank you.
Be a Blessing to ALL You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington (the epiphany crier)