A note to our Epiphany family, from Michael:
"After a year of monitoring the situation and considering treatment options for my Stage I, low risk, prostate cancer, I have decided to undertake a course of radiation. Having talked previously with my urologist, a surgeon, and an oncologist, on Monday morning I spoke with the radiation oncologist to establish a treatment schedule.
One of my preparatory appointments will be on February 17th. I'll begin the 28 daily (Monday-Friday) radiation sessions on March 8, which means they should be completed by the end of April. The side effects of treatment are described as minimal. February 17 is Ash Wednesday, but I'll be home in plenty of time for our service at 6:00pm.
My purpose in writing is to let you know there's nothing to worry about (I'm not) and to keep you informed of what's going on with me. My feelings about this are positive; I'm glad to be dealing with it once and for all.
Thank you all for your continuing prayers and support in general. All of you are in my daily prayers daily. I give thanks to God as we continue to serve our Lord together in and through the Church of the Epiphany."
Rachel Bryson has alerted us to the fact that there is a Food Pantry at the Holy Cross Catholic Church, at the corner of TX 29 and RR 1174 South, that is open every Thursday from 1:00 PM until 3:00. Information can be found on Facebook. It is for local clients only (78605 zip). New clients should provide proof of residence. They do not have a full time priest, or secretary on site. The other Churches in Bertram collect food and donations for the Food Pantry. If you would like to non perishable food items, you can drop them off at the First Baptist Church on South Gabriel Street. They are open every weekday morning from 8:00 AM until 12:00 Noon.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can send it to Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church in Burnet. Make the check out to Bertram Food Pantry.
Our beloved church member Betty Jo Lipscombe (Jo) will turn 95 on February 17. Her daughter has requested that we send Jo a Birthday Card Shower to help her celebrate. So pick up a birthday card and send it to her to let her know we are thinking of her and wish her a joyous day, Her address is 105 Senisa Court, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609.
Attendance Sunday, January 31: 33 (via Zoom)
The 2020 Contribution Statements are being mailed today (2/4). If you don't receive yours by next week, please notify the office.
The February - April Day by Day booklet is available in the church office for $1.00 each.
Rachel Bryson and Ryan Guthrie (RG) are scheduled to read the lessons and prayers for Sunday, February 7.
Happy Birthday To: Bill Callaway (2/7) and Ian Rodriguez (2/12)
Happy Anniversary To: Nancy and Dale Petty (2/12)
Peace and Blessings,
Dianne Williams
"After a year of monitoring the situation and considering treatment options for my Stage I, low risk, prostate cancer, I have decided to undertake a course of radiation. Having talked previously with my urologist, a surgeon, and an oncologist, on Monday morning I spoke with the radiation oncologist to establish a treatment schedule.
One of my preparatory appointments will be on February 17th. I'll begin the 28 daily (Monday-Friday) radiation sessions on March 8, which means they should be completed by the end of April. The side effects of treatment are described as minimal. February 17 is Ash Wednesday, but I'll be home in plenty of time for our service at 6:00pm.
My purpose in writing is to let you know there's nothing to worry about (I'm not) and to keep you informed of what's going on with me. My feelings about this are positive; I'm glad to be dealing with it once and for all.
Thank you all for your continuing prayers and support in general. All of you are in my daily prayers daily. I give thanks to God as we continue to serve our Lord together in and through the Church of the Epiphany."
Rachel Bryson has alerted us to the fact that there is a Food Pantry at the Holy Cross Catholic Church, at the corner of TX 29 and RR 1174 South, that is open every Thursday from 1:00 PM until 3:00. Information can be found on Facebook. It is for local clients only (78605 zip). New clients should provide proof of residence. They do not have a full time priest, or secretary on site. The other Churches in Bertram collect food and donations for the Food Pantry. If you would like to non perishable food items, you can drop them off at the First Baptist Church on South Gabriel Street. They are open every weekday morning from 8:00 AM until 12:00 Noon.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can send it to Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church in Burnet. Make the check out to Bertram Food Pantry.
Our beloved church member Betty Jo Lipscombe (Jo) will turn 95 on February 17. Her daughter has requested that we send Jo a Birthday Card Shower to help her celebrate. So pick up a birthday card and send it to her to let her know we are thinking of her and wish her a joyous day, Her address is 105 Senisa Court, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609.
Attendance Sunday, January 31: 33 (via Zoom)
The 2020 Contribution Statements are being mailed today (2/4). If you don't receive yours by next week, please notify the office.
The February - April Day by Day booklet is available in the church office for $1.00 each.
Rachel Bryson and Ryan Guthrie (RG) are scheduled to read the lessons and prayers for Sunday, February 7.
Happy Birthday To: Bill Callaway (2/7) and Ian Rodriguez (2/12)
Happy Anniversary To: Nancy and Dale Petty (2/12)
Peace and Blessings,
Dianne Williams