t was announced in Church Sunday that Proceeds from the Gumbo Luncheon are @ $3,000 , estimated expenses are @ $ 700, and that the estimated net will be @$ 2,300 to go for OUTREACH. WOW! This came about through the low-key leadership of Jim and Linda Dyke. Thank you so, so much. Now the next thank you goes to YOU FOLKS that all worked so hard to make it happen. And let us not forget, Kenda Avery and her capable assistant Wayne Blikre; sure hope you got to see the beautiful decorations they did in the parish hall. Thank you again. WELL DONE EPIPHANY! For pictures go to : https://photos.app.goo.gl/Dj7Xujy3rLA69J
***********NEW KEYS TO THE CHURCH & AND ADMIN. BUILDING****************
The key to the church is the same key that unlocks the Administration Building (two dead bolts).
Everyone who currently has a key to the church will need to get a NEW KEY. They are numbered.
Those who have keys will need to pick up one at the office and sign for it.
CHANGE IN OFFICE HOURS: During Lent Fr. Michael will be in Burnet Wednesday's rather than Thursday. AND: Dianne Williams will be in the office ALL DAY on Tuesday and Wednesday, and till 1:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday.
The Lenten Study Series begins next Wednesday, March 4----Soup Supper at 5:30 and Study from 6:00 pm to
6:30 pm Fr. Michael will give an introduction to the series next Wednesday.
Sunday, February 23rd: Attendance: 44
Dates to Keep in Mind:
Sunday, March 1--Loose offering goes to L A Care.
Wednesday, March 4--Lenten Soup Supper, 5:30 and Study Series, 6:00,
" Introduction"
Thursday, March 5--Community Kitchen
Sunday, March 8--Loose Offering goes to Priest's Desc. Fund
Wednesday, March 11--Lenten Soup Supper and Study Series, "The
True Wilderness"
Wednesday, March 18--Lenten Soup Supper and Study Series, "Life
Abundant or Life Resisting"
Thursday, March 19----Community Kitchen
Wednesday, March 25--Lenten Soup Supper and Study Series, "Deeper
Compassion for Humanity"
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, March 1, are Jim and Carol Weathers.
Ushers are Shelia Wilson and Karen Leitch.
Coffee Hosts are Georgie Nolan and Lee and Linda Myers.
V P of the Day is Ellie Burks.
Happy Anniversary: Susan and Tom Mitchell 03-03
Happy Birthday: Morgan Wright 03-03
Lindsey Gray 03-05
Georgie Nolan 03-07
Have a Blessed Week
Carpe every Diem
Rufus and Sandy
***********NEW KEYS TO THE CHURCH & AND ADMIN. BUILDING****************
The key to the church is the same key that unlocks the Administration Building (two dead bolts).
Everyone who currently has a key to the church will need to get a NEW KEY. They are numbered.
Those who have keys will need to pick up one at the office and sign for it.
CHANGE IN OFFICE HOURS: During Lent Fr. Michael will be in Burnet Wednesday's rather than Thursday. AND: Dianne Williams will be in the office ALL DAY on Tuesday and Wednesday, and till 1:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday.
The Lenten Study Series begins next Wednesday, March 4----Soup Supper at 5:30 and Study from 6:00 pm to
6:30 pm Fr. Michael will give an introduction to the series next Wednesday.
Sunday, February 23rd: Attendance: 44
Dates to Keep in Mind:
Sunday, March 1--Loose offering goes to L A Care.
Wednesday, March 4--Lenten Soup Supper, 5:30 and Study Series, 6:00,
" Introduction"
Thursday, March 5--Community Kitchen
Sunday, March 8--Loose Offering goes to Priest's Desc. Fund
Wednesday, March 11--Lenten Soup Supper and Study Series, "The
True Wilderness"
Wednesday, March 18--Lenten Soup Supper and Study Series, "Life
Abundant or Life Resisting"
Thursday, March 19----Community Kitchen
Wednesday, March 25--Lenten Soup Supper and Study Series, "Deeper
Compassion for Humanity"
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, March 1, are Jim and Carol Weathers.
Ushers are Shelia Wilson and Karen Leitch.
Coffee Hosts are Georgie Nolan and Lee and Linda Myers.
V P of the Day is Ellie Burks.
Happy Anniversary: Susan and Tom Mitchell 03-03
Happy Birthday: Morgan Wright 03-03
Lindsey Gray 03-05
Georgie Nolan 03-07
Have a Blessed Week
Carpe every Diem
Rufus and Sandy