It's hard to believe that it was just last week that our communities were facing such a horrible winter storm. It is hoped that each of you stayed safe and warm and did not suffer too much damage to your property. Please keep those that did suffer damage in your prayers.
Patty Murray continues to recover well from surgery on February 22 and is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital on Friday. Please keep her in your prayers for a full recovery.
Our Lenten program by Zoom is at 6:00 pm on Wednesdays, each session lasting about 45 minutes. We're reading Anne Lamott's book on prayer, Help, Thanks, Wow. Please join us even if you’ve been unable to get a copy. We can look at the text together on Zoom.
From RG (Dr. Ryan Guthrie)
Hello Epiphany Family,
"Dr. Gray and I hope you all made it through the winter storms safely and are doing well. We want to provide a quick update on the vaccine status. Due to the storms, distribution of vaccine is behind schedule. Before this weather event, the recent emphasis was on vaccinating Veterans especially those 75 years of age and older. This push for vaccinating Veterans is still in place. However, this week, CDC orders were issued to also return to the CDC recommendation guidelines of vaccinating all persons in phases 1A, 1B and 1C. On a very good note, we were the 13th private practice clinic in the ENTIRE state of Texas to be approved to receive allocation of the vaccine! We are placing weekly orders and hope to receive a shipment soon!! Placing orders weekly is no guarantee of receipt. During church this past Sunday, we indicated we would begin to contact parishioners this week but with the shipment delays, that has not happened! We will keep you advised and contact everyone when we know our allocation date. We appreciate your patience and understanding as this process is completely out of our control. As always if you have any questions, you may contact me by email - [email protected], text, cell phone (512) 596-6522 or our office phone (512) 219-8991."
Blessings and good health to everyone,
Dr. Ryan (R.G.) Guthrie
Bill Drake stopped by yesterday to talk about Soles4Souls, a charity that collects new and used shoes (they repair them) and redistributes them through the world to people in need. Bill is working with the Burnet High School Internet Club to collect shoes to send to this organization.
If you have shoes that you no longer use, please wring them to the office at Epiphany anytime between now and March 25.
There are still a few Day by Day booklets for February - April in the church office. The cost is $1.00 each.
Attendance for Sunday, February 21, 2021: 46 (via Zoom)
David and Karen Leitch are schedules to read the lessons and prayers for Sunday, February 28
Happy Birthday to: Cynthia Horn (3/1); Morgan Wright (3/3) and Lindsey Gray (3/5)
Happy Anniversary to: Susan and Tom Mitchell (3/3)
Peach and Blessings
Dianne Williams
Patty Murray continues to recover well from surgery on February 22 and is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital on Friday. Please keep her in your prayers for a full recovery.
Our Lenten program by Zoom is at 6:00 pm on Wednesdays, each session lasting about 45 minutes. We're reading Anne Lamott's book on prayer, Help, Thanks, Wow. Please join us even if you’ve been unable to get a copy. We can look at the text together on Zoom.
From RG (Dr. Ryan Guthrie)
Hello Epiphany Family,
"Dr. Gray and I hope you all made it through the winter storms safely and are doing well. We want to provide a quick update on the vaccine status. Due to the storms, distribution of vaccine is behind schedule. Before this weather event, the recent emphasis was on vaccinating Veterans especially those 75 years of age and older. This push for vaccinating Veterans is still in place. However, this week, CDC orders were issued to also return to the CDC recommendation guidelines of vaccinating all persons in phases 1A, 1B and 1C. On a very good note, we were the 13th private practice clinic in the ENTIRE state of Texas to be approved to receive allocation of the vaccine! We are placing weekly orders and hope to receive a shipment soon!! Placing orders weekly is no guarantee of receipt. During church this past Sunday, we indicated we would begin to contact parishioners this week but with the shipment delays, that has not happened! We will keep you advised and contact everyone when we know our allocation date. We appreciate your patience and understanding as this process is completely out of our control. As always if you have any questions, you may contact me by email - [email protected], text, cell phone (512) 596-6522 or our office phone (512) 219-8991."
Blessings and good health to everyone,
Dr. Ryan (R.G.) Guthrie
Bill Drake stopped by yesterday to talk about Soles4Souls, a charity that collects new and used shoes (they repair them) and redistributes them through the world to people in need. Bill is working with the Burnet High School Internet Club to collect shoes to send to this organization.
If you have shoes that you no longer use, please wring them to the office at Epiphany anytime between now and March 25.
There are still a few Day by Day booklets for February - April in the church office. The cost is $1.00 each.
Attendance for Sunday, February 21, 2021: 46 (via Zoom)
David and Karen Leitch are schedules to read the lessons and prayers for Sunday, February 28
Happy Birthday to: Cynthia Horn (3/1); Morgan Wright (3/3) and Lindsey Gray (3/5)
Happy Anniversary to: Susan and Tom Mitchell (3/3)
Peach and Blessings
Dianne Williams