Today is "United Acts of Kindness Day", I hope you have not forgotten the notice in Last Week's E-Star----you don't have to live in Marble Falls.
Most of you received the "flyer" I sent regarding the forthcoming Afternoon of Chamber Music at the Burnet Presbyterian Church on February 20--Sandy called the church and learned there is no charge and reservations are not necessary-I might add I would go early as the church is not really large.
We were sorry to learn of the "Horse Accident" that Mark Albertson had last week. He has had extensive surgery and will have more and will require a long time for recovery. Please keep him and wife Karen Meuir in your prayers.(New Parishioners).
Sunday, February 13, 2022 attendance 36 on Zoom
From Fr. Michael:
"Your Regathering Committee met last evening. We are encouraged by the most recent Burnet County statistics. The positivity rate among those tested is currently 22%, down from 40% just a few weeks ago. As we approach our target rate of 10% (or less) we look forward to returning to in-person worship. Until that time we will keep you informed and continue to pray for an end to this pandemic. We invite your daily prayers for an end to the pandemic. This prayer is an amalgam of various sources online".
Almighty and merciful Father, you show your love to all creation. Humbly we ask for an eradication of the coronavirus. Calm our fears; give strength to those who support and care for others; grant healing to all suffering in mind, body and spirit, eternal life to the dead, and consolation to the bereaved. Inspire those who are working toward an end to this pandemic. Look lovingly upon us all, and in your mercy, forgive our failings. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
:::::Attention Pet Owners::::::: Skunk Spray Remedy from Texas A&M:
1 teaspoon Liquid soap-I like dawn 1/4 cup baking soda 1 qt. Hydrogen peroxide Personally, I would use more soap, esp. on a larger dog If the odar lingers, douse with baby powder Carol W.
Layreaders for this coming Sunday, February 20th, are Diane Hays and Sherry Musgrove.
Happy Birthday to Jo Lipscombe, 2-17, Diane Langley, 2-18, and Bruce McComas, 2-19, Maria Gonzales and Trey Ford(2-21) Last weekend there was a fire in Burnet County that burned 225 Acres--I know the "Burn Ban" was lifted, but please be careful with the high winds.
A big THANK YOU to all that showed up Tuesday to help unload the Food Shipment at L A Care. By the way, L A Care will be closed Monday, the 21st, for President's Day.
Be a blessing to all you meet,
Be safe and healthy, Carpe every diem, Rufus and Sandy