Again, I am going to begin this E-Star with a Thank You. This time it goes to our St. Anne's ladies. Yesterday they not only had their monthly meeting but began the task of cleaning out the cabinets in the parish hall as the lower cabinets will have to be replaced after "the flooding" of the parish hall. Thank you again ladies.
From Fr. Michael regarding Ash Wednesday, February 22nd: “There will be Ashes to Go on the square in Burnet, 11-1:00. I will be at the southwest corner, as always, to impose ashes on any and all who request them--on foot or in their cars.
Ash Wednesday proper liturgy and Eucharist will be at 6:00 in the church. We will also be online via Zoom. The link will be sent to you in a few days, probably in the invitation to Sunday worship sent on Friday or Saturday.
The Lenten Series will be on the hymns of the church, just scratching the surface with two or three examples each Wednesday. The series will be entirely on Zoom--i.e., Zoom only--at 6:00 each Wednesday evening, beginning March 8. We will focus primarily on hymns we sing regularly, though some outliers will also be included--history, biographical information about composers and authors, and probably more."
The Reverend Michael Long Priest-in-Charge Church of the Epiphany Burnet, Texas Church 512.756.2334 Mobile 512.605.9300
Anyone wishing to be confirmed or received by Bishop Doyle at his visitation to Epiphany on March 26th needs to contact Fr. Michael so he can arrange classes.
Cynthia Horn has a new mailing address: 513 N. Adams Street, Carthage Texas 75633. She has moved to an assisted living facility.
SUNDAY, February 12th, 2023: Attendance: 31 In Church 10 On Zoom 41 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, February 19th are:
Layreaders.......Rachel Bryson & Sherry Musgrove Acolyte............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.....Diane Hays & Susan Wallace Ushers.............Sandy Arrington & Margaret Thomas VOPD.............Deana Geuther Coffee Hosts...Diane Hays & Sherry Musgrove Altar Flowers given by.......Diane Hays & Cecile Gloier in memory of David and Jim
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Carol Hervey, 02-16, Diane Langley, 02-18, Bruce McComas, 02-19, Trey Ford, 02-21, and Maria Gonzales, 02-21.
Special Note: There will be no Altar Flowers February 26 through April 2 in the observance of LENT.
Be a Blessing to All YOU Meet Be safe and stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the “epiphany crier"