This Sunday is the First Sunday in Lent. “Lent is a good time to tackle the question of how forgiveness can be achieved. Trying to include the people who have inflicted injury on either of you in your shared prayer is a good place to begin. Begin by admitting the difficulty of your own struggles to forgive another person.” – National Catholic Reporter.
I would like to send a huge “THANK YOU” to Jim and Linda Dyke, Ellen Lee, Carol Weathers, and Kenda Avery for all their efforts in making the Pancake Luncheon a total success! The pancakes were delicious!!! And thanks to all of you who donated the bacon, sausage, and other sides. I think everyone enjoyed it so much. The decorations were beautiful! So colorful. And thank you for the donations received! Many, many thanks to all. Good participation too.
Father Michael was on the Burnet square on Ash Wednesday for Ashes To Go. A great crowd came by for ashes and a blessing. The weather cooperated too this year! An Ash Wednesday service was held at the church at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 15, is our turn to cook and hand out meals at Community Kitchen at the Vandeveer Church of Christ in Burnet. Cranz Nichols is cooking loaded baked potatoes. Please come by and pick up a meal!
This Sunday, February 18 there will be a Vestry Meeting in the Parish Hall after the coffee hour. You are welcome to join the meeting. PREPARATION FOR NAVE RENOVATIONS: In preparation for the next major project, the Nave renovations, Deana Geuther, Senior Warden, requested that we need groups to sort through things in the Nave (Choir Room, Nursery, and Narthex) a bit at a time. We can’t move until things are gone through. No date has been established yet for moving the large items and the actual time frame/date for DC Restoration to start. Deana is encouraging those who can help to start sorting and culling things now. The designated area for storing items is in Classroom A in the administrative building. The Vestry will discuss the details of how things will be stored in Classroom A.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2024: ATTENDANCE: 38 in church 7 online 4 in PH kitchen preparing luncheon 49 total
No financial information is available this week.
We thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of this life, especially for the anniversary of the birthdays of Diane Langley (2/18) and Bruce McComas (2/19), Trey Ford (2/21), and Maria Gonzales (2/21.)
We pray for all who have died, especially Jim Basinger, priest,2/1 Joe Marshburn1/328, and Diane Breeding2/3, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom. And for their families and friends and all who mourn their passing.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, February 18th are: Lay Readers: Sherry Musgrove & Diane Hays Ushers: Carol & Jim Weathers VPOD: Mary Rubio Altar Guild: Carol Weathers, Karen Leitch, Linda Myers
Remember that this Wednesday, February 21 starts the Lenten Series at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. “Walk In Love” is the book that Father Michael will be following during this series. It also starts the Soup Wednesdays. Those that have signed up to bring soup and/or bread, please arrive by 5:00 p.m. to help with setting up. Others will arrive by 5:30 p.m. Please join us this Wednesday!
Please continue to pray for all in need of comfort, healing, and support. We are all God’s children and are called to serve Him in any way we can.
Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
“Lent invites worshippers into a period of reflection, repentance, and spiritual preparation leading up to Easter.” -- St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Feb 14 monthly newsletter