Later today I am going to FORWARD an email WE received from Georgie Nolan that she received from her sister. WE believe that you will find it as moving and inspirational as we did. It is educational as well. Thank you so much for sharing, Georgie. We chose to forward it so you could get the FULL effect......You will love it........
Sunday, February 6, 2022: Attendance -- 35 on Zoom
The Layreaders scheduled for this coming Sunday, February 13, are Rufus and Sandy Arrington.
Happy Birthday to Ian Rodriguez(2-12) and Carol Hervey(2-16).
Happy Anniversary to Nancy and Dale Petty 2-16.
******L A Care needs are canned meats and sugar. Also, L A Care is going to be doing "KID-BAGS"--if anyone can donate kid's books in good shape, it would be much appreciated.
*******L A CARE needs a Permanent Volunteer on Fridays---contact Lottie McCorkle at L A Care if you can help.
******L A Care is getting a LARGE FOOD SHIPMENT on Tuesday, 02-15, if you can help at 8:30 a.m. for about an hour.
Beginning March 4th, Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church will have their annual "Fish Fries" on Fridays (Lent is coming).
February 17th is UNITED ACTS OF KINDNESS DAY in Marble Falls. See the for details. Sure is a great idea......
We know it's a little early but, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO EVERYONE, from the Arringtons.
Be a Blessing to ALL you meet, Be safe and healthy, Carpe every diem,