FROM ASHLEY HARPER-OBERLE: I thought this might be good for the E-Star, especially after Father Michael's asking us on Sunday how walking The Way has made a difference in our lives. It comes from Brother Curtis Almquist, from the Society of St John the Evangelist, an Anglican monastic order:
Gospel In the Canon of Holy Scripture, we have four Gospels. There were also many unwritten Gospels about personal encounters with Jesus. The version which probably has greatest authority for you is the Gospel according to You. What has been revealed to you? What is the essence of Jesus’ work and words embodied within you? That Gospel is so important for you to hear, remember, and claim. It’s your vocation. Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE
Last Sunday, January 28th the annual parish meeting was held in the Parish Hall. Approximately 25 parishioners attended. Discussions were around the budget, upcoming renovations to the Nave, design of the cross to be installed on the front the church, and Lenten series. Father Michael presented outgoing Vestry Members with a Certificate of Appreciation. They were presented to Rachel Bryson, Dr. Ryan (RG) Guthrie, and Sherry Musgrove. He also presented Diane Hays with a Certificate of Appreciate for her tireless dedication serving as the Treasurer for the last 4+ years. Deana Geuther presented the new slate of Vestry Members: Rufus Arrington, Maria Gonzales, and Lee Myers. Fr. Michael also acknowledged and gave thanks to the congregation members that have served the church in many ways.
It was announced that there will be a Pancake Luncheon on Sunday, February 11 in the Parish Hall. Carol Weathers will be coordinating this pot luck. She will be sending out information in the near future on what to bring, etc.
There will also be “Soup Wednesdays” for the 5 weeks during Lent. Carol Weather will also be coordinating this effort too. Look for information from her soon.
Sherry Musgrove announced that we will have a choir on Easter Sunday!
RENOVATIONS: At the Annual Parish Meeting, discussion was held regarding placement of the cross on the upper front wall of the Nave. The bell tower will be removed and the bell due to the history of lightning strikes. Examples of crosses, materials and placement were provided for those in attendance. Discussion and helpful comments were shared. At the next vestry meeting, Sunday February 18th the vestry will vote on the material and design of the cross. Once the front wall is removed, strengthened and reconstructed, the rose window will be installed in the same place where it currently is located.
Deana will email vestry members to determine if there is agreement placing the cross on the front wall of the nave between the roof and the rose window. Mike Rose, the job superintendent at DC Restoration will be contacted once all vestry members have responded so that the work on the Nave can begin. The vestry plans to vote on the material and proposed design of the cross at the next vestry meeting, Feb. 18th. Parishioners are encouraged to attend the vestry meeting if they have questions or need more information. The approximate size of the cross will be 6 ft. All items in the two front rooms of the Nave will need to be moved and stored elsewhere in a classroom in the administration building. There will be no access into the Nave from the front door and these rooms will be inaccessible during the rebuilding of the wall. Several of the men will be asked to assist in moving the heavy items. The lighter items and materials on the walls in the rooms will be boxed and moved to a classroom in the administrative building. The date will be forthcoming.
SUNDAY, January 28, 2024
Attendance: 31 In Church 6 Online 37 Total
No financial information available this week.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, February 4th are:
Altar Flowers are given this Sunday, February 4th by Karen Leitch in thanksgiving for David.
Daughters of the King will meet in the Parish Hall after church this Sunday, February 4.
We pray for those traveling this week.
We thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of this life, and especially for the birthdays of Ursula Domingues (2/6) and Bill Callaway (2/7).
We pray for all who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom, especially Joe Marshburn. We also pray for their families and friends and all who mourn their passing. Please continue to pray for all in need of comfort, healing, and support. We are all God’s children and are called to serve Him in any way we can.
Thermostats in the buildings on Sunday will be adjusted by only the VPOD. All please help us manage our energy costs! Many thanks!
Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
“It is in the midst of change we often discover wings we never knew we had.”