We hope you noticed how nice the big east property looks all mowed and trimmed. This comes about thru the GENEROUS DONATIONS to the Lawn Care of Epiphany. Thank all of you that are participating.
*******As we understand it, the Christmas Eve Service at Epiphany will be at 5:00 P.M.******
Sunday, December 05, 2021: Sunday Attendance: 33 In Church 12 Zoom 45 Total
*****The Boys and Girls club needs your help with snacks during the Christmas Holidays as their numbers swell during the holidays. Give them to Dianne in the office.*******
Fr. Ben Long will be celebrating at Epiphany this coming Sunday. Michael is taking some well deserved time off.
Once again, Thank all of you so much for helping with the Community Thanksgiving Lunch. In addition to all those that sat down and ate, they did over 200 "To Go's".
Please continue to keep Jim and Maureen Curran and R G and Carol Guthrie in your prayers.
**The Epiphany Women's Bible Study will meet Tuesday, 12-14(10:00 a.m. )at the home of Diane Langley, who is the facilitator.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, December 12th are: Layreaders...........Rufus & Sandy Arrington Acolytes...............Grady and Jaxon Gonzales Ushers.................Deana Geuther & Margaret Thomas Altar Guild............Diane Hays & Barbara DeHart V P of the Day......????????
Happy Birthday to Carol Weathers(12-13) and Chance Milanovich(12-14).
FYI....the Community Kitchen is closed till after the 1st of the Year......many thanks to Becky Carlberg, Mike Kelley, Mark Pack, Jim & Linda Dyke, Gracie Weston, Deana Geuther, Michael Long, Rachel Bryson,Alicia White and Rufus & Sandy Arrington for helping with the Kitchen.
FYI...L A Care in November served----18 New Families, 54 New Individuals, Repeat families 128, Total families 196, Total Individuals, 575. It received 4,858 pounds of donated foods. Thank all of you for giving and also you that volunteer there.
Be a blessing to others, Be safe and stay healthy, Carpe every diem,