Hopefully by now you will have had an opportunity to read the VERY interesting articles in the local Picayune Magazine that shares some interesting facts and stories about the two local Episcopal Churches and some of their members over the years. If not, I think you might find an extra copy at the church office.
****CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS**** There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex for them. I will let you know how much they are whenever I am informed.
This coming Sunday, the 3rd Sunday in Advent, there will be a Covered Dish Luncheon in the Parish Hall after church---bring one of your favorite dishes to share.
****Concerning ZOOM****when entering the meeting, if asked if okay to unmute answer YES.
If you would like to make a donation for a Christmas gift for a child in Foster Care, you can mail a check to: Burnet County Child Welfare Board 1104 W. Buchanan Dr. Suite 2 Burnet, Texas 78611 Be sure and designate what it is to be used for.
The Epiphany Women's Bible Study Group will meet 12-13-22 at 10:00 A.M. in the church library, Lee Myer, facilitator.
"Dear Epiphany, I promised to keep you updated, so: From Lightning Strike Damage: · Most of the lighting is repaired, but still have high narthex, sanctuary lights to go. It requires a scissor lift which we’ll rent & reschedule electrician. · Copier is fixed, except for problem with lines on color feature. Service contacted. · Phone committee is formed & will work on identifying new system which they’ll recommend to Vestry & submit to insurance. · Computer repairs continue. Will be finished when new phone is selected. · Structural engineer has inspected and bell tower has been secured; roof damaged by bricks has temporary patches. All will be repaired when insurance company has final report (2 wks ?). · A/C units’ parts have been ordered and repairs will be completed when they come in. Other updates: · The Boys and Girls Club has found new quarters close to their current other location. They will move their cabinets etc. during Christmas holidays. Space is being cleaned so it can be used for other meetings. · A water heater leak was discovered in the Youth Building which occurred while the space wasn’t being used. Small water heater will need to be replaced & cabinet repaired. · Pest problem (mice & squirrels) has been discovered. There are numerous openings in grates & columns that allowed entry, that will need correction. First estimate is $1500.
We are doing really well, despite a myriad of challenges. We’re a beehive of activity and when it’s through I believe we’ll be in far better shape. Blessings and love in abundance, Linda "
Sunday, December 04, 2022:
Attendance: 41 In Church 11 On Zoom 52 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, December 11th are: Layreaders..........Jim & Carol Weathers Acolyte................ Grady Gonzales Altar Guild...........Diane Hays, Barbara DeHart, & Susan Wallace Ushers................Susan Wallace & Alicia White VPOD.................R G Guthrie POT LUCK LUNCH SUNDAY
Happy Birthday to Bobbie Clear, 12-08, Carol Weathers, 12-13, and Chance Milanovich, 12-14.
You will be receiving mail outs from the Jr. and Sr. Wardens in the near future to make you aware of damage assessments from the "lightning strike," insurance claims, and other things going on at Epiphany.
Our church office manager, Janet Wilton, is starting to work on a NEW, 2023, Church Directory. Please advise her of any additions, corrections, or deletions to your contact information.
Be a Blessing to ALL You Meet Be safe and stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the Epiphany crier