From the Senior Warden:
This week is a time to reflect on the year and anticipate the coming year, I came across some very good words of inspiration:
“The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation.”
Epiphany has had to learn some lessons the past year – both good and bad. We have had many unforeseen changes. But thanks to Fr. Michael and our Vestry, some good things have emerged from the ashes.
Our present is still uncertain in many areas…. Will we be able to meet in person? Will there ever be at least a light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel?
But we will continue to look for the good emerging!
Our future is our motivation for continuing…by ZOOM or (hopefully) in person… by communication with each other…by phone or (hopefully) in person… we will adapt.
In the past two weeks the Vestry has met and gone over every line of the budget for 2021.
Fr. Michael arranged a ZOOM meeting with Bishop Ryan so the Vestry could ask questions regarding the future of Epiphany. As a Vestry we are faced with not only the day-to-day workings of the Church, but also planning for the future, including the budget for the coming year.
I just want to give you a heads up to the way our budget stands for 2020 and 2021:
Epiphany’s 2020 budget was $118,680 which left us with a deficit of -$5,780. Our total expenses for the year are approximately $124,461.
Currently the 2021 pledges amount to $103,840. This leaves us with a deficit of -$20,621.
If you have not made your pledge, prayerful consider what you can do for Epiphany in 2021.
Praying for light at the end of the tunnel!
Happy New Year!!
Christmas Eve Attendance--43 Sunday the 27th Attendance---37
We are so sorry to hear that Carol Weathers's mother passed. Please keep Carol and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Liturgical Calendars can be picked up at the office after January 5 th; cost is $3.50.
Diane Hays and Sherry Musgrove are scheduled to read the lessons and prayers this coming Sunday.
Happy Birthday to Shon Lovelace and Linda Whitman ( 12-31), Sarah Allen (1-1), Nathan Guthrie and
Karen Leitch (1-2), and Rufus Arrington (1-3).
Happy Anniversary to Jill and Thomas Castillo who celebrate their wedding anniversary (1-2).
Stay Safe
Carpe every Diem
Rufus and Sandy
(Dianne Williams is on vacation)
This week is a time to reflect on the year and anticipate the coming year, I came across some very good words of inspiration:
“The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation.”
Epiphany has had to learn some lessons the past year – both good and bad. We have had many unforeseen changes. But thanks to Fr. Michael and our Vestry, some good things have emerged from the ashes.
Our present is still uncertain in many areas…. Will we be able to meet in person? Will there ever be at least a light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel?
But we will continue to look for the good emerging!
Our future is our motivation for continuing…by ZOOM or (hopefully) in person… by communication with each other…by phone or (hopefully) in person… we will adapt.
In the past two weeks the Vestry has met and gone over every line of the budget for 2021.
Fr. Michael arranged a ZOOM meeting with Bishop Ryan so the Vestry could ask questions regarding the future of Epiphany. As a Vestry we are faced with not only the day-to-day workings of the Church, but also planning for the future, including the budget for the coming year.
I just want to give you a heads up to the way our budget stands for 2020 and 2021:
Epiphany’s 2020 budget was $118,680 which left us with a deficit of -$5,780. Our total expenses for the year are approximately $124,461.
Currently the 2021 pledges amount to $103,840. This leaves us with a deficit of -$20,621.
If you have not made your pledge, prayerful consider what you can do for Epiphany in 2021.
Praying for light at the end of the tunnel!
Happy New Year!!
Christmas Eve Attendance--43 Sunday the 27th Attendance---37
We are so sorry to hear that Carol Weathers's mother passed. Please keep Carol and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Liturgical Calendars can be picked up at the office after January 5 th; cost is $3.50.
Diane Hays and Sherry Musgrove are scheduled to read the lessons and prayers this coming Sunday.
Happy Birthday to Shon Lovelace and Linda Whitman ( 12-31), Sarah Allen (1-1), Nathan Guthrie and
Karen Leitch (1-2), and Rufus Arrington (1-3).
Happy Anniversary to Jill and Thomas Castillo who celebrate their wedding anniversary (1-2).
Stay Safe
Carpe every Diem
Rufus and Sandy
(Dianne Williams is on vacation)