Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are known as the Incarnation cycle, with good reason. We spend a month in preparation for the birth of God into the world as a human being, one of God's own creatures. If that's hard to wrap our minds around, it's because it should be. It is an outrageous thing for the Creator of everything to do. It certainly merits our spending four weeks in contemplation and reflection on that momentous act of God. Similarly, it makes sense for us to spend twelve days of Christmastide celebrating that fact, that the Divine has entered the human realm in the most intimate way imaginable. On our Epiphany name day commemoration (well, the Sunday after, January 9 this year) we are reminded that this great good news is for all the world, and we are meant to be proclaimers of that message of joy and goodwill for all. While many think that we're about to end the Christmas season, we know that we're smack dab in the middle of that mystery of the celebration of God-with-us. Merry Christmas to all!
Words from Fr. Michael: "Please wear a mask at our Christmas Eve celebration at 5:00 and at the reception following. We will unmask for food and drink, whether Holy Communion or wine (or sparkling cider) and cheese."
Would YOU PRAYERFULLY Consider something? Our congregation is getting older. We have lost several of our Ushers either because they moved or are just not up to it. Ushering is not difficult but it is an important ministry. We ask you to see if this is
something you could do to help Epiphany. If you can, please get in contact with Susan Wallace at 530-368-0266 or [email protected].
Sunday, December 19, 2021: Attendance: In Church 25 Zoom 9 Total 34
******OUR ONLY CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE WILL BE AT 5:00 P. M.****** A RECEPTION will be held in the Choir Room after the service. Thank you Carol Weathers for getting this together. ****And there will be NO Christmas Day Service at Epiphany.****
Those scheduled to serve are: Layreaders..........David & Karen Leitch Acolytes..............Grady & Jaxon Gonzales Altar Guild...........Altar Guild Ushers................Rufus & Sandy Arrington VP of Day............Otis
Be a blessing to others, Be safe and stay healthy, Carpe every diem, Rufus & Sandy, MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM OUR HOUSE TO YOURS-- EPIPHANITES......