Hopefully by now you have made your final preparations for the forthcoming WINTER STORM. Remember the "4 P's"--see to pipes, plants, pets, and people.
Free Covid Test Kits are now available at USPS.Com---also information regarding expiration dates on kits you might have on hand.
Hopefully you have remembered to sign up for and paid the $10 for your Christmas poinsettias. There are a few extra poinsettias if you need more.
The Christmas Eve service will begin with the singing of carols at 5:00 p.m. After the Eucharist there will be a reception in the Choir Room. Please bring your favorite snacks or a bottle of your preferred beverage.
There will be regular 10:30 a.m. services on Christmas Day.
Sunday, December 18, 2022: Attendance: 27 In Church 10 On Zoom 37 Total
Those scheduled to serve Christmas Eve are: Layreaders........David & Karen Leitch Acolyte..............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild........Altar Guild Ushers...............Carol Weathers VOPD...............David Leitch
Happy Anniversary to Jim and Linda Dyke, 12-26.
Happy Birthday to Alexander (Zander) Torgenson, 12-24, and Sherrye McAnelly, 12-31.
LA Care is in desperate need of HELP--has 6 scheduled slots that need to be filled for 2023. Please consider it. Also, LA Care is in need of Oatmeal, Bagged Cereal, and Canned Meat.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the "Epiphany Crier"