Sunday was the first Sunday in ADVENT and is the beginning of the Episcopal Church's New Year. We have come a long way with the fight against the Covid Virus, and by the Grace Of God we will WHIP it. Be grateful for where we are today as to where we were 2 years ago. Thanks be to God.
Before we go any further let's say, Thank You, to Fr. Ben Long for celebrating with us Sunday. It was so good to see him, and he always(Sunday was no exception) brings a good Lesson to share. Michael will be back this coming Sunday. By the way, you did great with Rite I.
AND, a special Thank You to Nancy Huess and ALL of her Helpers for making the Community Thanksgiving Lunch happen at Vanderveer Church of Christ on Thanks- giving Day. Thanks again, friends.(They served @ 250-300.)
Sunday, November 28, 2021: Attendance: 30 In Church 8 On Zoom 38 Total
******Don't forget to RESPOND to Fr. Michael's Questionnaire regarding time for a Christmas Eve Service**********
Sure hope you got to meet our visitors Sunday.....Olivia Ramsey from Bertram and Clay Williams, Deana Geuther's brother, from New York.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, December 5, are: Layreaders.........David and Karen Leitch Acolytes.............Jaxon and Grady Gonzales Ushers...............Jim and Carol Weathers Altar Guild..........Cecile Gloier and Sherry Musgrove V P of the Day....J.J. Gonzales
Happy Birthday to Bobbie Clear, 12-08.
******Sure could use some more USHER VOLUNTEERS--if interested, contact Susan Wallace(530-368-0226).
******This Coming Saturday, December 4th, will be Old Time Christmas in DOWNTOWN BERTRAM, 10:00A.M. to 4:00P.M.************
Be a Blessing to Others, Be safe and healthy, Carpe every diem, Rufus and Sandy