Sunday, December 12, 2021: Attendance: I5 In Church 10 Zoom(a lot of technical problems, sorry ) 25 Total
There will be no Financial Report this week as the Treasurer is out this week. It will be included in next weeks' report.
POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS: If you wish to buy one, the cost is $11.00. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex to sign and also to note if there is dedication. You may put your money or check in the collection plate. Be sure and mark your moneys for such.
Many Thanks to Fr. Ben Long for Celebrating at Epiphany in the absence of Michael.
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, December 19th are: Layreaders..................Jim & Linda Dyke Ushers.........................Barbara DeHart & Alicia White Acolytes.......................Grady & Jaxson Gonzales Altar Guild....................Diane Hays & Barbara DeHart V P of Day....................Diane Langley ****FYI:**** The Christmas Eve Service will be at 5:00 P. M. followed by a short reception in the Narthex with Carol Weathers in charge(thank you Carol). There will be NO CHRISTMAS DAY service at Epiphany, but there will be one in Marble Falls at Trinity Episcopal Church at 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day.
The Boys and Girls Teen Center Group at Epiphany is in need of some items--basketball, basketball goal and net, bicycle, bicycle pump,etc. Understand there is no moneyin their budget for such. Any questions, contact Holly DeLeon at the Teen Center.
*******Just want you to know that our Jaxon Gonzales is Student of the Month at Burnet High School. Jaxon plans to attend UT-Austin or UTSA, majoring in Radio, Television, and Film with the goal of becoming a film maker and director.*******
Happy birthday to Dallas Wallace, 12-17, Mark Hutson, 12-18, and Nancy Heuss, 12-19.
Be a Blessing to others, Be Safe, COVID cases on the upswing, Carpe every diem,