Sunday was the first Sunday in Advent, the beginning of the new church year. Our Iona Ministry Intern, Steven Tomlinson, gave a wonder sermon. Thank you, Steven.
I hope you got a chance to read the Special Edition Estar that our senior warden, Linda Myers wrote. Please respond to her appeal regarding Restoration. Thank you All that have responded.
Don't forget to turn in YOUR PLEDGE CARDS. Thank you one and all.
A Big Thank You goes out to Nancy Heuss and her team that served up the Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Vandeveer Church of Christ to some 375 people. What a wonderful Community Effort, thank you again folks.
This coming Sunday, 12-04, Handel's, "The Messiah," will be performed at the Methodist Church in Burnet at 3-5 P. M. All are invited.
Hope you got to meet Elaine Mumford, our VISITOR Sunday, from Vermont. You know, the lady with the neat little blue hat.
Sunday, November 27th: Attendance: 31 In Church 7 On Zoom (which is working better thanks to our (Techy's) 38 Total
Happy Birthday Bobbie Clear, 12-08.
The Daughters of the King will meet in the Choir Room after church and Coffee Hour.
A SPECIAL BIG THANKS TO OUR JUNIOR WARDEN, Rachel Bryson, and SENIOR WARDEN, Linda Myers, for ALL the Hard Work regarding restoration after the lightning strike with the capable assistance of our new office manager Janet Wilton. And the work goes on.........
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, 12-04, the 2nd Sunday in Advent: Layreaders.........David Leitch & R G Guthrie Acolyte..............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.......Sue Brunson & Nancy Petty Ushers...............Jim & Carol Weathers VPOD...............Deana Geuther Coffee Hosts.....Myers & Carol Hervey
The Epiphany Women's Bible Study group will meet 12-13 at 10:00 a.m. in the Library.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington (the Epiphany Crier)