Please welcome Supply Priest, Father Edward Thompson this coming Sunday, August 6th. Father Michael will be on vacation for a few days.
This week will be the hottest July 2023 on record! I know I don’t have to tell you that! Everyone is feeling the heat and drought conditions. As of August 1, the Daily Trib said it marks the 25th consecutive days of triple-digit temperatures in the Highland Lakes, and the current forecasts are predicting this excessive heat will likely continue through August.
Because these drought conditions continue to worsen by the day, the City of Burnet will implement Stage 3 Restrictions of the Drought Contingency Plan on Thursday, August 3. This means that the City will allow residential and commercial watering once per week according to the last digit of your street address: MondayTuesWedThursFri 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-0 You can water on your scheduled days only during the night and morning between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Pray for rain!!
Renovations are continuing. The date for the Parish Hall kitchen cabinets to be demo’d is Wednesday, August 9. Then the new cabinets will be installed on Thursday, August 10. Fingers crossed that this occurs as planned!
We have received three bids for painting the Youth Center. A decision on the contractor will be made soon!
The restoration committee will have a total of two estimates from vendors to clean the ductwork in the Nave. The second vendor will be coming out next week to give an estimate. We’re finding that the smaller ductwork cleaning companies are not set up for cleaning high ceiling ducts. Only the larger commercial companies have that equipment. Progress is slow but continues!
We are still hopeful to meet our goal of Labor Day for most of the renovations. We will keep everyone updated as we continue pushing for Labor Day.
SUNDAY, July 30, 2023: Attendance: 41 In Church 8 On Zoom 49 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, August 3rd are: Layreaders………Rachel Bryson & Lee Myers Altar Guild…….Sue Brunson Acolyte………….Grady Gonzales Ushers…………..Carol & Jim Weathers VOPD…………..Deana Geuther Alter Flowers Given by…………Susan and Dallas Wallace In memory of Henry and Barbara Leckman Coffee Hosts……Patty Murray & Rachel Bryson
Happy Anniversary to Carol & Jim Weathers (8/7).
We pray for all who have died, especially Claude Burks, 7/21, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom. We pray also for all who mourn their passing.
We received the hand sanitizers. They will be placed in the middle and at either end of the pews in the sanctuary. Parishioners will be able to sanitize their hands conveniently after passing the peace and/or before receiving communion.
We are accepting donations through Christmas for Dr. Steven Tomlinson’s Ordination.
Please note that the church has several reams of color copy glass cover paper. If you would like a ream of paper, please let Janet in the office know. There will also be some reams of paper available on Sunday in the Narthex.
Burnet County Independent School District classes start August 16th.
CERT Emergency Preparedness Class is now enrolling. If you are interested in taking this class, please get more information and the training schedule by visiting the website: You can also contact Derek Marchio, Burnet County Emergency Management Coordinator at [email protected], or Robyn Richter, CERT Training Officer at [email protected]. These classes will begin on Thursday, October 5, 2023. This training is FREE and will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Thursdays for 7 weeks, Agri-Life, 607 N. Vandeveer St., South Wing, Room 14, Burnet, TX.
Don’t forget Farmer’s Market is every Saturday at the Burnet Historic Square from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Pafford Place in Burnet (Assisted and Independent Living for Seniors) has an opening in a private apartment. For more information, contact 512-756-7854.
Please continue to pray for all in need of comfort, healing, and support. We are all God’s children and are called to serve Him in any way we can.
Please also continue to welcome visitors to Epiphany!
Janet Wilton Parish Administrator
Sometimes you’re the bug, and sometimes you’re the windshield.