God has given us some MUCH NEEDED Rain. Thank you Lord.
This edition of the E-Star is rather long but I think you will find it Very Interesting.
It has been a very sad week, Three of Epiphany's families have lost family members: Dusty Hutson, brother of Mark Hutson died, Stephen Cox grandson of Claude and Ellie Burks died, and Dawn Milanovich, wife of Mark Milanovich, died yesterday. Our Love and Prayers go out to ALL who have lost love ones.
Sunday, August 21, 2022 attendance: 31 In church 16 On Zoom 4 7 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, August 28, are: Layreaders.........Rachel Bryson and R G Guthrie Acolyte...............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild..........Diane Hays, Barbara DeHart, and Susan Wallace Ushers...............Jim and Carol Weathers V P of D.............Deana Geuther Coffee Hosts......Cecile Gloier and Diane Langley
Wednesday was a Busy Work Day for St. Anne's and friends getting STUFF ready for the THE CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE, the Friday and Saturday after Labor Day, September 9 and 10. There is a LOT OF WORK TO BE DONE BEFORE THE SALE. Remember one person's trash is not necessarily another's treasure as it ALL has to be sorted and priced, and some put in the trash.
From the Sr. Warden, Linda Myers We have been working hard to ensure the care of our property. A problem ignored becomes a bigger (and more expensive) problem. Our wonderful Jr. Warden has scheduled some much needed tree & limb removal which will be done Aug. 31. We have dead trees and some whose limbs are scraping our parish hall roof. We already have two small holes in the roof (hence the leak & the blue tarps in the parish hall). This effort (as many of us know personally) is not cheap, but can all be done for $3000. Any designated donations toward this work are most welcome. Also if anyone would like some good firewood, please come on Aug. 31. The other property effort going on is dealing with our parish hall roof, 2 broken windows, some parish lights that don't work etc. We've had an insurance adjuster inspection. Unfortunately their Report did not address all of the items. I'll be requesting another adjuster and we're hopeful that it may help fund some of the needed repairs. My deepest thanks to Rachel and JJ for all their work in these efforts. What a great team!!!
Hope everyone is getting some rain. Blessings in abundance, Linda
From Fr. Michael: It pleases me so much that Rufus started the ball rolling for our new Pastoral Care Team. So far the team members are Rufus Arrington, Sandy Arrington, Deana Geuther, RG Guthrie, Diane Hays, Sherry Musgrove, Lee Myers, Linda Myers, Mary Rubio, and Carol Weathers. Please let me know (better yet, let Rufus know) if I've made errors in that list--people not included who should be, people included who have not intended to be, etc. These folks will call on those who are ill or homebound for any reason. Some, but not all, will take Communion to those they visit. They will also make phone calls and otherwise stay in touch with members of our parish family who need that kind of attention and care. And they will keep me informed of people in crisis or other need whom I need to see. You--the people of Epiphany--have always done so well at this, carrying out the essential ministry of pastoral care among yourselves. This team provides an even more intentional way to serve in this capacity. Please let Rufus or me know if you are aware of people needing the team's attention and, especially, if you would like to be part of this ministry. Thank you all!
Happy Birthday to Bert McNelly, 8-28, and Ellie Burks, 8-29.
Sorry for the length of the Estar but there was a lot of Parish Information and News that needed to be included.
Be A Blessing to ALL You meet
Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington