As I am sure you noticed Sunday, we again had several visitors. Hopefully you took time to visit with them and invited them to return. Our ushers did a great job of "mugging" them and getting their names in the visitor's directory, and Sandy has written them cards of hello. The visitors were Austin and Jan Rose, Ann Taylor, whose husband we prayed for on the deceased list, and Victoria Hays, granddaughter of Diane Hays. The Rose's are neighbors of Rachel Bryson. Thank you, Epiphanites.
******* I learned this week that Dawn Milanovich has decided to forgo any further treatments, WHEW...Please keep the family in your special prayers, especially Mark. God Bless them ALL. Fr. Michael is maintaining close contact with the family.
Our Daughters of the King chapter Sunday admitted 2 new members, Ellen Lee and Kris Picken, and a transfer, Mary Rubio. Congratulations to all. We are so happy for all of them. A lovely reception followed with Italian Cream Cake--thank you all.
Sunday, August 14th attendance: 43 In Church 9 On Zoom 52 Total(wow)
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, August 21st are: Layreaders.......Jim and Linda Dyke Acolyte..............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild.........Cecile Gloier and Sherry Musgrove Ushers...............Deana Geuther and Susan Wallace V P of D.............Rachel Bryson(?) Coffee Hosts......Lynda Dyke and Carol Weathers
I want to say THANK YOU to Jaxon Gonzales as he leaves us to venture off to the University of Texas at Austin. And say again, Thank You, for ALL of your years of service at Epiphany. Good luck, and "Hook-um". Have a great year.
RUMMAGE SALE WORKDAY-----was cancelled for August 17 and has been RESCHEDULED for Wednesday, August 24th. Remember, 9:00 a.m. Thank you ladies, and helpers.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO Joe and Cindy Rose, 8-23.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Camrynn Guthrie, 8-20, Lee Myers, 8-23, and Linda Myers, 8-23.
The New Forward Day by Day Booklets are in the Narthex.
******Prior month Church Financial Reports and Vestry Minutes are posted on the Bulletin Board outside the Church Office to keep you updated as well as other notices of information. Take a LOOK at THEM.........
*******The Church Office will be closed Tuesday, 8-23 and Wednesday, 8-24.
We have been having Lesser Goldfinches at the bird waterer in the yard. Hope you have too, they are beautiful with their bright yellow breasts and chin.
HELP IF YOU CAN--L A Care is in Desperate Need for someone to fill Permanent Shifts-----1st Friday-10-12, 3rd Wednesday 12-2, 4th Monday 2-4, and 5th Friday 10-12. If you can help contact me, Margaret Thomas, or Lottie McCorkle at
Be a Blessing to ALL You Meet
Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington