Please accept our sincere "Thank Yous" for the donations for the "Community Kitchen". I can assure you that it will be used wisely. Last Thursday we served 61 people. Some were regular guests and some we have NEVER seen before and may never see again, life goes on for those on the edge. We also delivered to 2 people that are homebound. Oh yes, something I forgot to mention last week is that we have some wonderful substitutes, Rachel Bryson and Jim and Linda Dyke, when we need extra help. I will share information about the Community Kitchen from time to time. It is truly an Outreach Ministry of Epiphany and Friends.
Please keep the McMurtry family in your prayers. God Bless Jim, Ellen, and Patty.
Sunday's service had a "Wedding Service" included in it. Congratulations June and Mark Hutson on your marriage. I have attended a lot of wedding ceremonies but never one that was included in a Sunday Eucharist. Fr. Michael told me that in years gone by it was very common, just like baptisms and confirmations-makes sense doesn't it....
****Did you notice the Gospel was again read from the Center Isle Sunday? Otis was using a special "shot-gun" microphone. Thank you Otis for everything.
Mae and Morgan's Correct Phone Number is 512-234-8095. Thank you Bert McNelly for calling this to our attention.
Please keep Kenda Avery in your prayers--she injured her hand while her dogs were taking her for a walk.
Dawn Milanovich was admitted to Baylor, Scott, & White for a procedure to remove blood clots. Fortunately, they caught them early enough. Please keep Dawn, and Mark,also, in your prayers.
Sunday, August 11, 2022 attendance: 32 In Church 6 Zoom 38 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday. August 14th are: Layreaders.............Jim and Carol Weathers Acolytes..................Grady and Jaxon Gonzales Altar Guild...............Sue Brunson and Nancy Petty Ushers....................Cecile Gloier and Sherry Musgrove V P of D..................Diane Langley Reception...............Daughters of the King
This coming Sunday there will be a Daughters of the King Installation of New Members Ellen Lee and Kris Picken and the welcoming of Mary Rubio as a new member of Epiphany's Chapter. A Reception will follow after church in the Parish Hall.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jaxon Gonzales, 8-16, and Doug Brunson 8-18.
St, Anne's--There will be a WORKDAY for the Rummage Sale on Wednesday, August 17th. Carol wants to start early, 9:00A.M., to try and beat some of the heat. Remember, the "SALE" will be the Friday and Saturday after Labor Day(9-9 & 9-10).
******AND, many THANKS TO J J GONZALES for Replacing the switch in the Parish Hall bathroom. The issue was a short in the switch. Thanks again, J J.
There are rumors that there were some scattered showers around Burnet on Saturday, but none came toward Oatmeal. How dry is it---the deer are coming to drink at the water troughs in our goat pens. Keep on praying.....
The August, September, October Day-by-Day booklets are in the Narthex. They are $1.00 each.
Be A Blessing to ALL YOU MEET Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe Every Diem Rufus