We are getting better and better at this Zoom Worship. The Palm Sunday Service was amazing. It didn't seem much different than usual. Thank you so much, Michael, for all you have put into this.
Thank you also once again to Dianne Williams for all the work you have done on the new church directory. If there is an error in your information, please let her know so she can correct it.
Once more, in case you missed it, deepest thanks to Deborah and Mike Kelley for putting the palm cross on the red doors. We hope you saw the picture. As we understand it, the traditional cross used for flowering on Easter Sunday will be placed in front of the red doors on Easter Sunday. Please add your own flowers and then take pictures of your families. Please, if you come and someone is already there, wait until they are finished. Remember social distancing applies there too.
Another thank you goes to St. Anne's for the new door on the back of the Parish Hall and the painting of the new door on the Youth Center. If there was anyone else who had a hand in it, we thank you too, especially Carol Weathers and Diane Langley.
Mary Bosshardt has moved to Liberty Hill to be near her family. Her contact information is Mary Bosshardt,
122 Bailey Lane #213, Liberty Hill, Texas 78642. Ph. 512-515-0661.
Our Sexton, Laurie Wagner will be deep cleaning the church and other buildings.
We know you won't forget-but just a reminder to send in your pledges and other offerings.
Remember, you can add it to "Bill Pay" through your bank--why not pay Epiphany just like you pay your bills.
We will continue to do services via Zoom. Watch for information about the Maundy Thursday service and the Good Friday service as well as our Easter Service.
Now for the sad part, as you know April is Child Abuse month, and Sunday, April 26 is Child Abuse Sunday. Please pray for the children who have to live in abusive situations-and for the abusers too. It is hard to grasp that anyone would hurt a child.
Happy Birthday:
Dawn Milanovich-April 9
Cranz Nichols-April 9
B.J. Henry-April 15
Avery Bailey-April 15
God's Peace and Love,
Take good care of yourself,
Carpe Every Diem,
Sandy and Rufus too
Thank you also once again to Dianne Williams for all the work you have done on the new church directory. If there is an error in your information, please let her know so she can correct it.
Once more, in case you missed it, deepest thanks to Deborah and Mike Kelley for putting the palm cross on the red doors. We hope you saw the picture. As we understand it, the traditional cross used for flowering on Easter Sunday will be placed in front of the red doors on Easter Sunday. Please add your own flowers and then take pictures of your families. Please, if you come and someone is already there, wait until they are finished. Remember social distancing applies there too.
Another thank you goes to St. Anne's for the new door on the back of the Parish Hall and the painting of the new door on the Youth Center. If there was anyone else who had a hand in it, we thank you too, especially Carol Weathers and Diane Langley.
Mary Bosshardt has moved to Liberty Hill to be near her family. Her contact information is Mary Bosshardt,
122 Bailey Lane #213, Liberty Hill, Texas 78642. Ph. 512-515-0661.
Our Sexton, Laurie Wagner will be deep cleaning the church and other buildings.
We know you won't forget-but just a reminder to send in your pledges and other offerings.
Remember, you can add it to "Bill Pay" through your bank--why not pay Epiphany just like you pay your bills.
We will continue to do services via Zoom. Watch for information about the Maundy Thursday service and the Good Friday service as well as our Easter Service.
Now for the sad part, as you know April is Child Abuse month, and Sunday, April 26 is Child Abuse Sunday. Please pray for the children who have to live in abusive situations-and for the abusers too. It is hard to grasp that anyone would hurt a child.
Happy Birthday:
Dawn Milanovich-April 9
Cranz Nichols-April 9
B.J. Henry-April 15
Avery Bailey-April 15
God's Peace and Love,
Take good care of yourself,
Carpe Every Diem,
Sandy and Rufus too