We hope that everyone had a joyous Easter. Thanks again to Georgie Nolan (with help from Ian) and Deborah Kelley for putting out the Cross for the "Flower of the Cross". Attached is a picture of how beautiful it looked.
From Linda Myers, Senior Warden:
"The Covid Committee has met and has selected Sunday, May 16th as the date for resumption of services in the Sanctuary at Epiphany.-- Fr. Michael will be sending an electronic survey to the congregation in the near future to gather information about our vaccination statuses. The Committee will be working out the details on the in-person services and more information will follow as they are worked out. If there are any Epiphany members who would like to work on this committee to develop the plan, you are invited to please contact Linda Myers (713-502-6228) to volunteer. We so look forward to being together in person!! "
From Bill Drake:
"On Saturday members of the Burnet High School’s and Burnet Middle School’s Interact Clubs bundled, boxed and labeled for shipping 26 boxes containing 628 pairs of shoes. The shoes are being shipped to Soles4Souls – a non-profit that distributes shoes worldwide to people in need.
The Interact Clubs are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Burnet to inspire students to practice the Rotary ideal of “Service Above Self”.
Thanks to the Vestry for the use of the Parish Hall and to all the Parishioners who donated shoes.."
The Day by Day booklets for May - July are available in the church office. The cost is $1.00 each.
Attendance for Easter Sunday: 37
David and Karen Leitch are scheduled to read the lessons and Prayers for Sunday, April 11.
Happy Birthday To: Avery Bailey and B.J. Henry, both on April 15.
Peace and Blessings
Dianne Williams
Attachments area
From Linda Myers, Senior Warden:
"The Covid Committee has met and has selected Sunday, May 16th as the date for resumption of services in the Sanctuary at Epiphany.-- Fr. Michael will be sending an electronic survey to the congregation in the near future to gather information about our vaccination statuses. The Committee will be working out the details on the in-person services and more information will follow as they are worked out. If there are any Epiphany members who would like to work on this committee to develop the plan, you are invited to please contact Linda Myers (713-502-6228) to volunteer. We so look forward to being together in person!! "
From Bill Drake:
"On Saturday members of the Burnet High School’s and Burnet Middle School’s Interact Clubs bundled, boxed and labeled for shipping 26 boxes containing 628 pairs of shoes. The shoes are being shipped to Soles4Souls – a non-profit that distributes shoes worldwide to people in need.
The Interact Clubs are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Burnet to inspire students to practice the Rotary ideal of “Service Above Self”.
Thanks to the Vestry for the use of the Parish Hall and to all the Parishioners who donated shoes.."
The Day by Day booklets for May - July are available in the church office. The cost is $1.00 each.
Attendance for Easter Sunday: 37
David and Karen Leitch are scheduled to read the lessons and Prayers for Sunday, April 11.
Happy Birthday To: Avery Bailey and B.J. Henry, both on April 15.
Peace and Blessings
Dianne Williams
Attachments area