The contract for the restoration of the parish hall has been awarded to D C Restoration. Hopefully they can get started on the interior soon. The restoration committee also met with a local stained glass artist to request a bid on the repair of the stained glass windows. Of course, this would be done after the other work is done on the parish hall.
As Fr. Michael requested in his Sunday "Invitation to Worship" if you have strong feelings regarding the church bell let the junior warden know. The cost to restore the tower would be huge. And we certainly don't want a beacon for lightning strikes.
The "sleeping monster" struck again during last Thursday's vestry meeting. The "east doors of the administration building" let the rain pour in. They have leaked ever since the building was completed; they only leak when the rain is hard from the east- oh how soon we forget. I have been informed that water was also coming in under the east wall.
We continue to have a good number of visitors on Sunday mornings. Be sure and be attentive to them. Help us get their names and addresses in the visitor's directory so we can contact them. People don't mind driving a distance to a church that "feeds" them.
We learned Sunday that an old member of Epiphany, Bert McNelly, was hospitalized in Austin. And Tuesday I received an email from from Gary Hardy saying "Bert is in the hospital and they are doing tests for what they believe is Multi Myeloma." Please keep Bert and his family in your prayers.
You may have noticed that a regular visitor at church, Marsha Bloxsom, has been absent. We received an email from her saying that she and her husband have returned home to Kentucky. She praised Epiphany for making her feel at home and part of our church family and she looks forward to a return visit in the fall.
SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2023: Attendance: 45 In Church 6 On Zoom 51 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, April 30th are: Layreaders.......Jim & Linda Dyke Acolyte............Grady Gonzales Altar Guild......Diane Hays & Susan Wallace Ushers..............Jim & Carol Weathers VOPD...............Mary Rubio Coffee Hosts....Linda Myers & Carol Hervey Altar Flowers Donated By......Deana Geuther
Happy Birthday to Mark Milanovich, 05-02.
Be a Blessing to all you meet
Stay Healthy and Be Safe Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington the"epiphany crier"