The Easter season continues through the Day of Pentecost, May 28th. It was truly a delight to see so many in church Sunday on "Low Sunday".
Fr. Michael commented after the service that it was wonderful to hear the sounds of children during the service. The response was applause and even an amen. The sounds were from Jaxon, Manda, and Zander Torgenson, David and Tyler Roberts, and Marklee and Mikolai Milanovich. This is also a good time to say Thank You to the ladies that take care of the children during Fr. Michael's sermon.
We continue to have visitors such as Sunday so be sure and step up and introduce yourself. Help us to get their names in the visitor's registry and give them a "mug."
Some words from the Sr. Warden: "The vestry will be voting on a contractor for the restoration work at their meeting Thursday. A big kudos to Cranz. He is working in the church yard this morning. Cranz does much "behind the scenes" work and is most appreciated!" Deana
Roy Heuss is in the hospital with some serious issues regarding an ulcer. Please keep him and Nancy in your prayers.
For those that might be interested, A Celebration of Life in Wayne Blikre's honor is set for Monday, May 1, 2023 from 6PM to 8PM at Hoover Valley Cafe.
SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 2023: ATTENDANCE: 43 In Church 3 On Zoom 46 Total
Those scheduled to serve this coming Sunday, April 23rd are: Layreaders..........Jim & Carol Weathers Altar Guild.........Cecile Gloier & Sherry Musagrove Acolyte...............Grady Gonzales Ushers................Deana Geuther & Susan Wallace VOPD.................RG Guthrie Coffee Hosts.......Diane Hays & Sherry Musgrove Altar Flowers.......Dallas & Susan Wallace in memory of Kenneth Wallace
Happy Anniversary to Mary and Ray Rubio, 04-23.
Be a Blessing to All You Meet Be Safe and Stay Healthy Carpe every Diem Rufus Arrington The “ epiphany crier”