We received an email from Michael late yesterday that he tested POSITIVE for Covid. Therefore there are some CHANGES in the HolyWeek Services--Maundy Thursdayand Good Friday Services will be at 7:00 P.M. on ZOOM, the SATURDAY EASTER VIGIL HAS BEEN CANCELLED, and the EASTER SUNDAY EUCHARIST will be at 10:30 WITH IN PERSON WORSHIPING with the Rev. Jerry Chapman from Austin. Thank All of you for your Steadfastness and Devotion. Please keep Fr. Michael and Cheri in your prayers.
Sunday, April 10th: Attendance: 39 In Church 8 On Zoom 47 Total
Easter Lilies are $9.00---you can put a check in the offering marked for them or you can pay Dianne Williams at the Church Office.
Here is the list for Easter Lilies 4-- Linda and Lee Myers -In loving memory of our family 1--Sherry Musgrove--in memory of my husband 3-- Deanna Geuther in memory of the precious women in my family who share April Birthdays- Maxine Williams, Bonnie Williams, Penny Phillips-Stepsister 1--Cecile Gloier--For family and peace in the world 2--Diane Hays--In loving memory of Jim Hays---Thanksgiving for family and friends 2-- Susan Wallace --In loving memory of Henry and Barbara Leckman--In loving memory of Kenneth and Phyllis Wallace 1-- Frank Siedensticker-- In loving memory of Edgar and Elizabeth Seidensticker and Paul Seidensticker 2-- Carol and Jim Weathers-- In loving memory of our loved ones who are no longer with us - Travis & Francis Weathers - Larry & Kathleen McGannon & Lawrence Homer 1--Diane Langley- In loving memory of my husband Tom 1--Rufus and Sandy Arrington--In Thanksgiving of many blessings 1-- Rachel Bryson - In loving memory of Bill & Estelle Bryson 1-- Lela McAllister--In loving memory of Ramsey and Emmy Clinton 1-- Roy and Nancy Heuss-- In loving memory of our parents Ed & Rose Heuss, Richard and Arvilla Wittner, and Sister Barb Ellis 1--Fr. Michael Long- In loving memory of John, Rocco, Russ, Steven, and Sue
Layreaders for Maundy Thursday are Sherry Musgrove and Diane Hays.
Readers for Good Friday are: Narrator R. G. Jesus Michael Slave Linda Myers Woman Susan Walace Peter Police Officer Pilate David Leitch
Layreaders for Easter Sunday are Jim and Linda Dyke Acolytes are Grady and Jaxon Gonzales Altar Guild are Carol, Karen, and Linda Ushers are JJ and Maria Gonzales V P of the Day is David Leitch
*****Help, Help, Help----L A Care is in NEED of 9 volunteers for 2 hour shifts. Call Lottie McCorkle at 512-756-4422. L A Care is open Monday 2-6 P.M., Wednesday 10a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. till 2:00p.m.
Happy Birthday to Avery Bailey and B J Henry, 4-15 and June Hutson, 4-21.
On another note, Laverne Broad is under Hospice Care with Morphine with her family by her bedside--Please keep all of them in your prayers.
********EASTER SUNDAY REMINDERS: The Easter Egg Hunt for the Kids will be at 12:00 on the grounds. Also, if your volunteered, don't forget the cookies for the Coffee Hour.******HAPPY EASTER TO ALL.....
Sandy Arrington was honored by BCISD as-- "A GEM"---Substitute Teacher of the Year.
Be a Blessing to ALL You Meet Be Safe and Healthy Carpe Every Diem Rufus and Sandy